What about me?
  • Name : Joanna Ong
  • Age : 24
  • Country : Singapore
Me ar..i am quite antisocial, but heng ar.. I have a lots of friends! i think majority lame friends... I love my dog Lucky, Love my bf Roger, Love my family, Love my friends.. erm..too many to mention who... Love everyone that loves me! hahaha!
Monday, August 07, 2006
Great Relaxation WeEkend @ BiNtan
Finally i get a break from this hectic Singapore. Went to Bintan over the weekend. Although i have been to Bintan twice, this time round is different. We arrival at a different jetty, it was around the city, Tanjung Pinang there. Found out there is two jettys, one is domestic and one is international. The domestic jetty is slightly rundown with many many indo guys staying around the exit of the jetty.. i also dunno what they doing.. maybe just looking around. Once we reach, the tour guide shouted my name.. "Ong Siew Ting.. Ong Siew Ting.." I quickly put up my hand to stop her from shouting. hahaha.
The journey from the jetty to the resort is about 30 mins. We stop over to buy some crackers before heading to the resort. The resort overall was quite good. We have a free upgrade to a room which is nearer to the swimming pool and spa. HAHA (Good deal man!) But it is a bit further from the lobby. We have to take a trishaw to reach the lobby. (sianz.. didn't manage to take any pic of the trishaw.) Not a bicycle trishaw but a motor trishaw. HAHA!
The resort is not near the beach hence we have to take a shuttle bus to the beach. The resort near the beach also belong to the same company hence we are able to use the facilities there.

Too bad the swimming pool there is damn freaking small. so we decide to go kayaking instead.
Kayak until my arms and even my thumbs hurt!!! becos i always paddle until my thumb will hit the side of the kayak. Damn pain lo!! Luckily it is not swollen. heheh =)

In this trip, many things dear and i do things together for the first time! Hehehe. We bought red wine.. (first time we drink together) to drink during dinner time. After dinner, it was time for our spa! (first time we go to spa/massage together). We were welcome by a ginger drink. Solid man! When you drink it, you can feel the hotness in your throat. We have a free dip of 15 mins in the jacuzzi (first time we go jacuzzi together!). hehee. Not too bad.. just that the power is not strong enough. After the jacuzzi, we had our massage. I would rate the massage to be quite good! It is damn pain lo!!!! especially when the lady massage the thighs and the calves. Wanted to just kick away the lady but then i REN!!! hahaha even dear also cannot take the pain.! hehehe =P
After the spa, we went back to the room to drink red wine and eat nuts.. HAHA.. enjoy Life man!! Once i finish the wine.. my whole face is red like lobster liao. haha.. within a few minutes.. i KO~! haha.. My mouth was wide open, roger still have to close it for me.. guess i am really dead tired. hahaha! The next day, we went to the city to shop. Firstly, we went bintan Mall. Erm... not really a shopping center.. but just those outdoor shops. Dear just bought a POLO checker shirt. Damn nice. Smart looking!! heehe. Went a coffee shop to drink teh c.. firstly.. the tea sucks.. then the uncle cheat our money. 10,000 Rupiah for two cups of teh c!! which is around S$1.70. We ask the driver, he say it is around 2, 500 for 1 cup. The toopid uncle charge us double lo!!! Haiz.. what to do.. tourists mah..
Next, we proceed to Ramayana Shopping mall which is the biggest shopping center in the whole of Bintan. This is my second time to the shopping mall. hehe. Not very big la.. 2 levels only. Bought a few tshirts and belts. When you r shopping.. time just pass too fast. HAHA.
We came back to the resort for lunch. Roger had durian for lunch! Kampong durian.. we waited for a long time before the durian is served. Roger ask the guy, whether they waiting for the durian to drop isiist? The person replied Yes loh! hahahaha crap man.. Finally the durian is served.. erm.. didn't manage to take picture of the durian, but i took a picture of the seeds. HAHA.
We waited too long for the durian until we nearly miss our boat back to Singapore. hahhaa the gate is almost closing already. HAHA. but luckily, we are not the last. hehe.

We sit in the front lower deck and something caught my eyes is this poster. Damn irritating man.. Just look at it,

this gal is showing how we wear a life jacket.. but she is posing and smiling (or should i say grining) at the camera... FREAK man.. i thought wearing life jacket is suspose to be something serious one? hahaha
Finally, we are back home... pack our stuffs... watch teebee..! slack!

hahah guess we are too bored once we r back in singapore. HAHA.