What about me?
  • Name : Joanna Ong
  • Age : 24
  • Country : Singapore
Me ar..i am quite antisocial, but heng ar.. I have a lots of friends! i think majority lame friends... I love my dog Lucky, Love my bf Roger, Love my family, Love my friends.. erm..too many to mention who... Love everyone that loves me! hahaha!
Monday, July 24, 2006
Tired but enjoyable weekend
Weekend is over!!! and.. suspose to be mOnday Blues today at work.. but i am at home! i will be on MC for 2 days! Been sick for quite some time.. but didn't went to see doctor.. Finally today i did. hehe. Given Antibotics. Must finish.. sianz... Dun really like to take medicine. especially.. must remember the timing..
Sat was a hectic day for me... went to my dear's Retreat. He was the organiser.. so have to be there earlier to get ready all the stuffs. Woke up at 9am! Quite early for a Sat hor! hehe =) It was held at Changi Chalet there.. Nice scenery there though! the beach was a bit dirty though.. but overall quite a relaxing place. Heehee. Bel Bel and Boy went too! Time spent with them are usually great! Maybe.. i am still quite childish!? hahaha!! Digging giant hole in the sand.. building our sand defence against the strong waves, taking self portraits! hehee. After all those sandy stuffs, we went back to the chalet to have indoor games. HAHA.. Damn interesting and FUN!! hahaha. i guess everyone had fun! ! hahaha. Dear bought tibits as the prizes for the game... but then.. before the games start.. people start opening the tibits as snacks already! HAHAHA!! I have attached some of the pictures taken in the retreat.
Oh Yeah.. Yesterday.. i went to book my Toyota wish! wooHOO!!! new car!!! can't wait to get my car man!!! is a weekend car plate though.. but i think it is good enough!!! It is a Blackie! Finally get a car which is the color i want~!!! heheehe. Must really get used to a bigger car.. especially parallel parking!!! really must practise. HAHA.

is a TwIst Shot! EveryOne Twist!

Look at Our Mashmallow ToWer.. with Spaggetti.. gOing to ToppLe soon

Let's Join Our Hands to WelcOme MummY Ryan!

This is definitely tough.. i blow until face turn purple.. Not too bad hor!

Our Personalised Hula Hoop! wHy is Ryan Grinning all the way?

Dont play play hOr! Our Masterpiece hor!! the egg is still intact!!

two Sweet gals! HAHA =P