What about me?
  • Name : Joanna Ong
  • Age : 24
  • Country : Singapore
Me ar..i am quite antisocial, but heng ar.. I have a lots of friends! i think majority lame friends... I love my dog Lucky, Love my bf Roger, Love my family, Love my friends.. erm..too many to mention who... Love everyone that loves me! hahaha!
Thursday, July 06, 2006
It has been a long long time...
helO everyOne..
Sorry for not updating it for so so so long.. Has been very very very busy with my work that's why... Hardly has time to rest and relax. Really totally different from my previous job. Time really pass very fast.. it has been more than 3 months in this new job. Overall, quite okie.. except sometimes you can get really stress and sianz. Currently, at a client place in macpherson... any one nearby here, can jio me out for lunch. Heehee.

These few days.. keep on eating eating n eating..Pasta.. Cakes.. Sushi.. Ice Cream!! wah liao.. feel damn guilty.. Didnt exercise.. still eat n eat.. Tomo again got a colleague farewell dinner.. again eat.. Saturday is my mum bday.. again.. is EAT! oh no! become a glutton liao!! maybe is becos i am feeling kind of moody that's why ba. Eat to forget about stress n worries? Haiz.. i dunno.

Recently, like so many unhappy things happening around me... i also dunno why... Often tell myself to be strong... but sometimes just can't.. Maybe it is just an unlucky month of July for me ba. Just hope everything which is unhappy will come to an end. I want to be Happy Jo again!!! My dear also very busy recently with all his stuffs.. Hope to spent more time with him.. I love you dear! Muack!