What about me?
  • Name : Joanna Ong
  • Age : 24
  • Country : Singapore
Me ar..i am quite antisocial, but heng ar.. I have a lots of friends! i think majority lame friends... I love my dog Lucky, Love my bf Roger, Love my family, Love my friends.. erm..too many to mention who... Love everyone that loves me! hahaha!
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Back From RedanG~!!
wOOhoO! I am back from Redang!! Dead tired... Came back around 10 plus yesterday night. Suspose to be earlier one.. but then.. the coach driver i think his skillz not very good.. hahaha keep on "die car". i think got around 4-5 times man! then at the customs.. he cannot reverse lo.. cos the wheels both side ganna the kerb there. But finally still made it.. hhehee. The bus journey to Redang took around 10 plus hours. haha sit until butt also pain! But we are still full of SMILES in the bus!

Had a fabulous and great time man!!! Can't bear to leave Redang!! The dive site there is great man! We didn't stay at laguna resort area.. we stay at Redang Kalong which is another side of redang. It is not so grand and big but it is quiet and relaxing. Dayang look alike. hehhee. We reach there around 10 plus am. Once we checked in the resort, we took our gears and join the dive at 11:30am! (Gan cheong spider. Hahaha)

Some of dive pictures:i am ready for dive!!Macho man!!!!Seems to me like this puffer fish is pregnant

The first moray eel i ever seen with my own eyes after so many dives!!Christmas Tree!!Who's SANDAL??!!School of fishQueue up hor!!Giant Titan Trigger fish!!Grouper.. Fierce looking manNice viewSchool of fish again.. dunno what is this fish nameBlue Ringed AngelfishTurtle!Black Tip Shark! Saw 2 of themCan u see anything.. look closely...Shrimp.. forget the name liao..Hmm.. This one ar.. also dunno what is the name..Demon fish! Beware!! is Poisonous hor!!NudibranchThis look like a feet!!Sand EelScorpion or stone fish.. hmm...Can you spot the decorator crab?

Here are those artistic pose:

Look i can balance with just a rod hor..Stylo shot!Rest & Relax shot Play again!!.. i will hit u with my rod!Blur shot but i find it very artistic!

Some pictures of us.. Us.. and US

Gabriel.. no need to siam la.. still can see you!I look like i am naked man! Wah liao.. Gabriel!!!! Trying to hug the surf board lo..Aww... Nice drawing by my dear!

When you enjoy yourself.. time pass ultra duper fast.. Back to work today and.. i have to PIA again for my assignment.. Can't wait to finish my school and look forward to my next dive!! Overall, a great and fruitful trip! Good for Gabriel as well.. he managed to know a gal diver.. dunno whether he got her number anot. hahaha!!