What about me?
  • Name : Joanna Ong
  • Age : 24
  • Country : Singapore
Me ar..i am quite antisocial, but heng ar.. I have a lots of friends! i think majority lame friends... I love my dog Lucky, Love my bf Roger, Love my family, Love my friends.. erm..too many to mention who... Love everyone that loves me! hahaha!
Sunday, March 12, 2006
Hate the feeling of missing someone..
Couldn't get to sleep.. so decided to blog instead.. This weekend is a SIANZ weekend!! How can i possibly spent my friday and sat night at home!!???!!!!??!?!?!?! It is just not me lo!! Simply staring at my computer msning.. and also trying to complete my TMA. Hate TMA man!! just hate it so much.. why must i choose to study??? why?? Haiz.. it is a torture to me man.. Hopefully i can finish my studies this year and get over with it... NO More STUDY for mE! is Enough.. my brain cells getting lesser and lesser already.. hehee

Another thing why i am feeling so sianz is becos my dear went Malaysia... leaving me alone in Singapore.. is hard for me to live without him... I know it is kind of mushy.. hehehe.. But really mah... i miss him lots lots!!! Just can't wait to hug him when i see him tomo! hahaha!! Last thursday, we went to the IT Show.. wah liao.. we reach there around 12pm.. So freaking crowded lo!!!! Singaporean damn kiasu lo.. (hahaha..including us la) Not everything is cheap.. but we got a great deal on the MMC card.. bought 512 MMC card @ $44!!! CHEAP!! Wanted to get a laptop in this IT Show also.. but then.. not much good deal... cannot pay by 24 months installment.. sianz.. Must get from those big shops like Courts or what liao.. Bo pian.. no money.. must pay thru installments... sianz...

After the IT Show, we went for our dinner.. then we walk past the water fountain.. Usually i will think that it is very stupid to walk around the fountain then put ur hand there.. But then......... in the end.. i did it! HAHA.. of cos is becos my dear want to go try it.. so i follow him.. Firstly, you have to put your hands on the water, then make a slient wish.. then must walk around 3 times.. HAHA.. feel stupid a bit but then hopefully it will help to turn all the bad stuffs to good stuffs!! let the water wash all the bad stuffs away! hehehe. Oh yeah.. the water is COLD!!! Maybe you all should go try.. but i suggest u must wash your hands after that.. dunno whether people got touch shit then go there wash a not. HAHA!

A quick shot at the fountain as we are blocking the pathway!!