What about me?
  • Name : Joanna Ong
  • Age : 24
  • Country : Singapore
Me ar..i am quite antisocial, but heng ar.. I have a lots of friends! i think majority lame friends... I love my dog Lucky, Love my bf Roger, Love my family, Love my friends.. erm..too many to mention who... Love everyone that loves me! hahaha!
Thursday, May 04, 2006
My Niece, Alicia is so so cute!
wooHOo!!! Congras to my sister!! She just gave birth to a baby girl yesterday night @ 1958!! faster go go go buy 4D!!! hahaha! She is so so so cute man!!! Cutie Soft Reddish Rosy Cheeks! Just want to pinch those cheeks!!
The nurse just bathe for her.. The hairstyle comb until very neat and tidy!! but look like guy style le.. got parting one.. hahaha. Once the baby is push to the room.. Hahaha.. my mother and i keep on crowding around her loh.. hahha more gan cheong than her own mother. HAHA!! I carried her!! Don't play play hor.. me experienced one hor.. (hmmm... heehee) Now i have to learn to speak baby language liao.. "cu ji cu ji cu ji cu" hahaha.. i think pple see me.. a bit unlike me loh.. hahhaa.. But just can't control myself! hahaha. I start talking to her.. hahaha! “Alicia.. call 姨姨” hahaha.. everyone burst out laughing loh.. i think must wait end of this year or next year then can hear her calling me that. hahaha!
See her so cute.. just make me just want to give birth to one to play with! HAHA!! (really.. just joking only) Not easy man.. my sister say the pain is unbearable. Nearly want to give up pushing.. hheehee. Never mind.. it is over liao! Next stage of being a mother is going to begin! hehehe. Alicia.. Must be good girl.. 姨姨 love love.. HAHA!

Alicia: Try to open my eyes and see who is this crazy auntie keep on talking non-stop