What about me?
  • Name : Joanna Ong
  • Age : 24
  • Country : Singapore
Me ar..i am quite antisocial, but heng ar.. I have a lots of friends! i think majority lame friends... I love my dog Lucky, Love my bf Roger, Love my family, Love my friends.. erm..too many to mention who... Love everyone that loves me! hahaha!
Monday, April 10, 2006
Back From Bintan
Just came back from my company retreat to Bintan Island.. this is the second time i have been to Bintan.. Not a bad place to chill out man! As compare to previously, the water is now calm.. not very clear... but still visible. Hehe. This trip is FUN! Get to know more of the colleagues working in the company.. Everyone from this company is so spontaneous! HAHA. I enjoyed the most is the games.. hahaha.. everyone is united in his/her own team! The most tough game is the Tug of War!.. 1..2..3.. PULL!! got strategy one hor.. dun play play. hahaha.. pull until hand so pain! Some guys' hand still ganna blisters. jialat. hahaha. My team, Yello won the games event!! hahaha!! Exciting!! Hope to have this kind of event more often, it will definitely make the staffs more united together. hehehe.
The dinner was another special event! Since our theme is survivor.. we have to eat at a place really survivor lo... we have to sit on one log of wood.. the wood so small.. sit until butt pain. HAHA!! Then when we entry the dinner place, we have to do those tribal shouting .. then still have to raise our hand.. HAHA.. everyone was very ONz! Everyone did that.. hahaha. Look a bit ku ku. The food was quite okie.. not fantastic.. but eat until very very full.. During dinner, we played some games too... like survivor Idol. hahaha.. some pple sang.. dance breakdance.. catwalk... we still have our big bosses as the judges.. And they have to follow the american idol judges style.. HAHA. Last but not least, we have the lucky draw.. the prizes are very very very very attractive man... digital camera.. ipod.. creative zen.. photo printer.. dvd player.. wah piangz.. cannot tahan.. but too bad.. didn't win any.. sobsob. HAHA. But not too bad.. i got the title as "Miss S&I" hahaha! won $50 voucher. hahaha! After dinner, we went to sing KTV!! hahaha. wah liao the KTV songs.. all ancient songs.. hahhaa dunno how many years ago one.. haha.. quite suitable for those "older" generation people. hehhee. We sang till around 2plus am! Heehee.
Overall, the trip is great!! Enjoy myself!! hehhee. Back to work now.. This week will be hectic for me.. have to PIA my assignments.. sucks... hate that kind of feeling!!!

Some of the pic i took in Bintan.. didn't bring any camera there.. so used my hp to take instead.