What about me?
  • Name : Joanna Ong
  • Age : 24
  • Country : Singapore
Me ar..i am quite antisocial, but heng ar.. I have a lots of friends! i think majority lame friends... I love my dog Lucky, Love my bf Roger, Love my family, Love my friends.. erm..too many to mention who... Love everyone that loves me! hahaha!
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Redang here i come!
This has been a hectic week for me.. Rushing through all the assignments.. Finally.. It is OVER!!! but.. BUT!! I still got one final Psychology Course Assessment thingy to do... That cover 50% of the module le.. But no exams.. Dunno is good or bad.. Sianz.. Hate writing essay.. Before thinking about doing that.. I will be going to Redang to dive this thurS!!!! wooHOO! Can't wait man.. Heard the water there is crystal clear lo.. I will be going with my dear and one more diver (He is quite an introvert guy but when he talks.. he can talk quite a bit man! Dun be fool by his looks. ) We will be staying at Redang Kalong resort. Suspose to stay in Laguana. But then.. no space liao.. but resort is secondary.. diving is Primary! HAHA. Simply LOVE diving! Especially with my loved ones. mUACKzz! Definitely will keep you guys updated with all those beautiful pictures!

Last week.. just went to Adex. Went down on 22 and 23rd April to try our luck to win the Big Prize in the Adex dollars deal which is the Mares BCD plus Reg. Sianz lo.. didn't win.. hahaha. There are quite a lot of booths there.. selling dive equipments, selling travel and dive packages, dive magazines subscription.. etc. hehe. I bought one pair of dive gloves and a sausage. (erm.. i should say my dear bought for me. Heehee. thankz! mUack!) We also got a very good deal on the dry bag.. 2 for $20 bucks lo! haha Cheap man! Luckily we grab it early... cos 1 min later.. the guy say OUT OF STOCK! Some of my dive friends all sianz 1/2. hehehe. Never mind la.. dun sianz... next time i let u put ur things inside when we go diving together. =)

Here are some excellent pictures i took these weeks:
By our feets combined.. We R.. Invincible Couple!
Sweet Smilez!
Jump High! Star JUmp! (we did that when the boat is moving hor!!)
Diving Superstar!!
We r the Twist Twin Sisters!
Ah Qiang like being forced to take picture with me...