What about me?
  • Name : Joanna Ong
  • Age : 24
  • Country : Singapore
Me ar..i am quite antisocial, but heng ar.. I have a lots of friends! i think majority lame friends... I love my dog Lucky, Love my bf Roger, Love my family, Love my friends.. erm..too many to mention who... Love everyone that loves me! hahaha!
Tuesday, May 31, 2005
Poor lucky
Last sunday, brought lucky to west coast park to let him walk walk, run run. Tiff also brought isabelle there! As usual, i don't leash him when he is in the park. He will walk around and smell other dogs butt..(as usual). Don't like him doing that!!! like so er xin and uncivilized!! heehee.

Since i reach the park around 11 plus, not much dogs were at the park. But got one big golden retreiver. He is quite friendly, will walk around us. Then he and lucky smell each other.. at first they were quite okok (by the way, both are male.. hehhee). They both walk under the bench.. ( dunno got whisper anything a not). Later the golden retreiver walk away. then lucky chase after him and want to attack him. i quickly scold lucky then luckily..nothing much happen. the golden retreiver walk away and Lucky got smack by me n ryan for being so fierce.

Ryan leash Lucky and tied him to the tree.. so that he won't anyhow go ka jiao that retreiver.. then while we are talking.. the retreiver walk towards us and saw lucky. then THIS IS THE MOMENT!!! both of them fight!! BARK!! BITE!!! Wah piangz... damn scary sia... i quickly hold onto the retreiver colar and pull him back! Ryan faster attend to lucky.. He was barking non stop even Ryan was holding onto him. WE SAW BLOOD!!! damn shock of my life man.. lucky ear ganna bitten. Wah piangz!!! now think of it also want to cry liao.. I still can remember how lucky bark.. like crying and screaming man!!

The toopid golden retriever owner.. still slowly walk to us.. and ask how is lucky. KAOZ... he didn't like scold his dog or pull his dog away. Dunno how he train his dog man.. usually golden retriever is very tame and friendly.. the way how he attack lucky damn fierce... MUST BE the owner!!!

Haiz.. quickly wash lucky wound with water.... beside his ear ganna bitten, his mouth also ganna bitten.. machiam got one teeth mark. feel damn pain for him... but this lucky a while forget about what happen liao... hehehe.. which is also good lar..

Next time if want to bring him go park.. have to look after him liao... got a bit phobia liao.. don't want history to repeat itself. hehhe.. Heng.. no serious injury or else i will be very guilty...