What about me?
  • Name : Joanna Ong
  • Age : 24
  • Country : Singapore
Me ar..i am quite antisocial, but heng ar.. I have a lots of friends! i think majority lame friends... I love my dog Lucky, Love my bf Roger, Love my family, Love my friends.. erm..too many to mention who... Love everyone that loves me! hahaha!
Monday, April 25, 2005
Monday bluez.....
back to work again is the most demoralising thing. especially. MONDAY! MONDAY BLUEZ..... why can't we work for 4 days.. rest 3 days... better rite? more balanced. Now inbalanced leh.. hehehe. Must propose to the government liao... hehhee.

Yesterday was a FULL day. Morning (erm.. should i say afternoon liao) went to the revolving tower to have our breakfast cum lunch with my family and my god sister! First time went up the tower. exciting man! hahaha. but the place turn quite slow, if only.. it can turn very very fast. HAHAHA. then instead of eating.. i think will be puking. HHAHAHA. The scenary was quite nice, can view the PSA containers and Sentosa. Roughly will take us an hour to go back the same spot again. a new experience of eating. HAHaha. We were guessing that some staff will lost track of where the customer is sitting. hahhaa. Now you see it, now you dont! HAHHAA

We eat a lot.. tim sum and dumpling with sharkfin, dessert! the dumpling very very very very nice.... But i guess must be quite ex. The total bill is around 200 plus.. didn't know the exact amount cos my god sister paid for it! she very lame.. don't even let us see the bill at all. hahaha. secretive sia...

After eating, we went to Party World! hehehe. all the ladies love this activity but the guys were like.. sianz.... hahah they are just "Pei Ke". we sang for 4 solid hours. hahhaa. damn shiok! hahaha. My god sister sang Cantonese song.. damn nice sia!! my dad thought it was the singer singing instead of her. hmm.. got potential got potential. hahahhaa. can go join Cantonese IDOL! hahhaa

After singing to our hearts content, it is dinner time! EAT AGAIN! hahaha. everyone was still very full, cos we didn't use my energy, only use mouth muscle. the food stll not even digest yet. But then we still went ahead to eat. CHICKEN RICE! hahaha.

Cannot tahan, if everyday eat like that. sure fat in no time. SIANZ! must faster excerise liao...