What about me?
  • Name : Joanna Ong
  • Age : 24
  • Country : Singapore
Me ar..i am quite antisocial, but heng ar.. I have a lots of friends! i think majority lame friends... I love my dog Lucky, Love my bf Roger, Love my family, Love my friends.. erm..too many to mention who... Love everyone that loves me! hahaha!
Wednesday, April 13, 2005
sianz... today come work, haven't do anything yet... went toilet twice liao. I think must be becos of MacDonald!! have been eaten Mac/Fast food for the past few days until i see liao i want to puke! Since me not feeling well today.. so i am going to relax in office today.. actually me everyday in office also slack one. hahaha. going to eat cuttlefish soon. BUT today i really sick! go toilet twice liao.. stomach still very pain. OUCH!

yesterday i met up with tiff at SIM to do our assignment(TMA), but then we do 3 qns only! After doing 3 qns, we walk to the foodcourt at SIM to eat our dinner but then close liao. So no choice, we went to King Albert Park Mac to eat our dinner. Both of us drove, so tiff led the way. When she turn into the building, on the left is Mac Drive Thru and the right is the car park, she stop a while and turn LEFT!! DUH! lame sia!! me behind laugh until peng.. she say she didn't see the carpark sign. HAHAHHA.

In Mac, we tok a lot not on our assignment but on ghost lar... giving birth lar... breast feeding lar... marriage lar... HAHHAHA a lot of thingy man!!! also laugh until stomach cramp! (hmm... maybe that's why today stomach pain). Never do assignment feel a bit guilty man... Heehehee

Another joke is when we exit the carpark, we follow the >>OUT sign, then this tiff dunno why turn into one small lot to go the other side!! then she go around the car park then reach the exit. The exit is only very near, just travel straight and turn left. HAHAHHAHA. Blur tiff man! Make me laugh so much yesterday! On the way back home, me keep on laughing man.. i think other pple see me laugh will think i am crazy. HAHAHAHA

If everyday can just relax and talk cok, that will relief our stress...