What about me?
  • Name : Joanna Ong
  • Age : 24
  • Country : Singapore
Me ar..i am quite antisocial, but heng ar.. I have a lots of friends! i think majority lame friends... I love my dog Lucky, Love my bf Roger, Love my family, Love my friends.. erm..too many to mention who... Love everyone that loves me! hahaha!
Friday, April 15, 2005
Emergency Responder
This week has been quite relax for me as i have no lesson this whole week! Huarry! but then.. weekend got to piang finish my TMA. hopefully i can do it.

Yesterday just went to Sunny Cove to do my EFR(Emergency First Response) course. Hahahha. Damn funny. Before you start to help an injury person, firstly put on your glove.. Next you have tell the person "Hello, My name is Joanna. I am a emergency responder. May i help you?" The lamest thing is... Even the person is unconscious, you also have to ask!!! lame sia... if the person no response.. then have to tap on his shoulder.. and say.. "hello, hello. are you okay?" hahha if still no response.. then don't care liao.. Faster "KISS" the person, mai tu(means dont wait already in english) liao. HAHAHHAHA. After giving my first kiss(as if loh) to the person(erm.. i mean anne), then faster do CPR. Not as easy as it seems... Need a lot of strength and the position must be correct. PLEASE.. DON'T TRY THIS AT HOME!!! NEVER NEVER try it out on a normal person. children reading this must have parent guidance(PG). hehhee

After doing all that, we did some wrapping.. Not present wrapping but bandaging a fracture or wound. Firstly, ryan help me to wrap my arm as i have a imaginary deep cut then i still fracture my arm, so need to splint it. Wah liao.. ryan tie until so tight until my hand so pain. HAHHAA. Next is my turn already!!! hahaha. Ryan have a imaginary deep cut on the throat. HAHAHA. So i help him to bandage his whole neck. hahhaa. then later help him to splint his elbow. HAHHA. Overall, it is so fun! hahaha! FUN but knowledgable. Next time, anyone need to bandage his/her wound. ASK ME!! me pro liao! hahahha. But if you want some decoration, please bring your own ribbon or color pencils. HAHAHA

Now, i have completed my EFR, must faster take my rescue course already. GAN CHEONG spider. hehehehe. oh yeah... this song in my blog.. is my favourite song of the month.. DAMN NICE AR!! MUST LISTEN! DONT LISTEN U LUGI AR!!!!