What about me?
  • Name : Joanna Ong
  • Age : 24
  • Country : Singapore
Me ar..i am quite antisocial, but heng ar.. I have a lots of friends! i think majority lame friends... I love my dog Lucky, Love my bf Roger, Love my family, Love my friends.. erm..too many to mention who... Love everyone that loves me! hahaha!
Friday, May 06, 2005
Busy me
finally... it is friday!! But sianz.. today is flu day too. need to go see doctor later.. not get MC but get medicine hor... see me so hardworking... anyone want to employ me? Hahahaha

Tomo need to wake up damn early.. cos i am going HANTU to dive!! exciting!! although people say that the visibility of the water sux like shit.. but people still go there dive.. contradicting man. hehhee. maybe it is cheaper that's why. I a bit scared of the water... scared very dirty.. cos my skin is quite sensitive... never mind.. come back that time.. bathe with dettol.. hahhaha.

Sunday is another exciting day for me too. going to Outram there to take my rescue pool session. Need to save people.. feel a bit stress.. cos me so small.. how to save ??? later instead of me saving the victim, the victim must save me..hehhee. i think need a lot of strength to save someone... morning must take chicken essence or drink red bull liao..(red bull give you wings) hahhaha. The people who i am going to save on sunday.. better be careful hor... buy insurance first. hahaha.

Damn sianz.. haven't touch my TMA yet!! damn slack.. dun even want to think about it. haiz... need a personal tutor to do all my TMA for me... anyone want a job now?