What about me?
  • Name : Joanna Ong
  • Age : 24
  • Country : Singapore
Me ar..i am quite antisocial, but heng ar.. I have a lots of friends! i think majority lame friends... I love my dog Lucky, Love my bf Roger, Love my family, Love my friends.. erm..too many to mention who... Love everyone that loves me! hahaha!

Previous Posts

Thursday, April 07, 2005
Another day of work....
Today is another day of sianzness.... Been very tired these few days. Having tutorials 3 times in a row this week.

Yesterday went for my Relational Database tutorial, wah liao sianz man... the tutor say got FAILURES!!! die liao....scared liao... Don't dare to open my letterbox already. Usually the TMA which you have most confidence in, is the most deadly one. HELP!

Next week, have to start with my assignment already or else can't finish already. My tutorial mate has already started on it. wah piangz...so fast... My tutorial class people very very ONz one.. and they also very pro in their english. die.. can't click with them. me use Singlish.. they use English... hahhaa. Must faster finish my assignment and relax...(as if can relax loh)

An update on my cold sore.... it dried up already. but then still feel numb and tight on my left side of my face. can't open my mouth too big.. Hope it can recover soon! i Miss my FACE!!!!