What about me?
  • Name : Joanna Ong
  • Age : 24
  • Country : Singapore
Me ar..i am quite antisocial, but heng ar.. I have a lots of friends! i think majority lame friends... I love my dog Lucky, Love my bf Roger, Love my family, Love my friends.. erm..too many to mention who... Love everyone that loves me! hahaha!
Friday, April 08, 2005
Finally...its FRIDAY!
wah piangz.............................. i already type already but then error page then when i click back , the whole message is GONE! kaoz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

haiz... must type over again liao... as i was typing earlier...
Today finally friday already... a super long dread week.. encountered many unpleasant matters this week. About a square head guy, then a new stupid bitch manager

Square head guy... as you can see from this nick... he is a nerd, wearing specs and very LAO GU TONG (antique). We have a meeting with him this morning talking about some bo liao matters. ask me to do this.. do that... when it is so unneccessary! The last meeting worst! Since my manager can't make it to the meeting, he ask me to represent him(last minute thing again). He told me to sit down and hear what the other say, but then in the meeting, the square head guy ask me to report on the status of the project. KAOZ! how i know leh... i was not even involved in any way. then i say i dunno anything about it. i was just asking to come and listen. then he laugh and say.. huh, this meeting held is to get input from you. how can u don't know, you should find out what is expect mah before you accept to come this meeting. At this point, I WAS DAMN ANGRY and PEK CEK with him already. I say him back, I DON'T HAVE THE CHANCE TO REJECT THIS MEETING AND I WAS TOLD TO COME HERE N LISTEN!! then he didn't ask liao.. then tell me.. erm..i telling you this is for your own good.. KAOZ! IDIOT MAN!

The next person is...that bitch.. hehhee. shouldn't use this word but then cannot tahan her. She just join our company on 1st April. Althought i don't report to her, but she keep on asking me to do things. She thinks that she is very good and want to revamp the whole company to her style. Everything she also want to care even minor issues. Yesterday she tell me to compile a customer list based on her requirement, today she say that is not what she wants...ask me to compile again. WAH LIAO! why can't she think before she ask me to do leh... i do for her already very good liao. CANNOT STAND HER.

Why leh... why in this world must have people like them? i think they make this world worst. haiz... i need a break man... i think... i think... i think.... I TAKE ONE YEAR LEAVE! hahahhaha.