What about me?
  • Name : Joanna Ong
  • Age : 24
  • Country : Singapore
Me ar..i am quite antisocial, but heng ar.. I have a lots of friends! i think majority lame friends... I love my dog Lucky, Love my bf Roger, Love my family, Love my friends.. erm..too many to mention who... Love everyone that loves me! hahaha!
Sunday, October 23, 2005
Weekend is over!!
so so Fast... the weekend is over and another brand new week!!! This week will kinda of short week for me... cos i am going Phuket on Wednesday night!! WooHoO!!! hehehe.. me accompanying my dear dear to go Phuket cos her lao gong is there... Of course...to SHOP!! hahaha. But i haven't been to Phuket before so don't really know how much stuffs i can buy from there. hehehe.

Today went Pulau Hantu to dive and.. the visibility was not very good ... as usual ba.. haha But Francis which is the owner of the boat say that last week, Hantu visibility was 7meters last week!!! wah liao.. wasted! But it was a fruitful trip! hahahaa!!!! i managed to see a big and giant turtle loh!!!!!! went very very near it to get a closer look and also took photo of it! hehehe But the photo not very clear becos of the water.. Then the last dive.. guess what i saw... A giant CuttleFISH!!! WooHOo!! i see liao.. i Stunned! went very close to see it.. but scared it come n attack me. hahaha.. I think it is sleeping/resting.. or what.. never move much. hahaha. Took photos of it too! hahaha. This local dive trip is the best trip of all. hahaha.. seen the most stuffs.. hehehe.

Feeling damn tired today.. maybe too long never dive liao. hahaha! Really looking forward to diving.. but then... monsoon coming liao.. don't think will have chance to dive until next year. haiz.. somemore no money... if got money.. i will go to Similan to dive with Jason liao... Haiz.. MONEY!!! why everything need money... sianz... Anyone want to sponsor me to dive?? hahaha... erm.. i treat the person dinner? HAHA.

i am counting down... 2 and a half day more before i can go enjoy!! hahhaa.. try not to miss me ok? But i will miss u guys!
