What about me?
  • Name : Joanna Ong
  • Age : 24
  • Country : Singapore
Me ar..i am quite antisocial, but heng ar.. I have a lots of friends! i think majority lame friends... I love my dog Lucky, Love my bf Roger, Love my family, Love my friends.. erm..too many to mention who... Love everyone that loves me! hahaha!
Friday, October 21, 2005
wHat the F**k lar!! He think is what!
me back to work today... suspose to be very very happy cause i have finish my exams... and finally i can relax from the stress... BUT!!!!! come back to office.. see the bloody manager face.. i very sianz... and SOMEMORE!! he come n tell me something make me super super super TU LAN!! and F**KED UP!!! The details as follows:

(M - the bloody idiot son of the b**ch, J - ME)

M: Joanna, you come in for awhile. i want to talk to you.
(me walk into the room)
J: Yeah what?
M: Want to ask you.. i want to attach you to the development company to help out with some programming in .Net C#. So how is your knowledge of the language?
J: Erm.. After the Microsoft course i take.. i never use that language liao.. so forget liao.. but depends on how in depth and standard they want of me loh.
(thinking to myself.. that time ask company to sponsor me to that course.. don't want.. in the end i have to pay myself and now want to ask me to use that skill.. damn)
M: so how long you need to refresh your skillz leh?
J: aiyah.. i must see how the standard they want mah.. simple one i know lar
M: okok. I will ask them first. But will they tell to let you off earlier so that you can come back to office to backup.
J: erm.. wait.. how about transport?? parking?? I go there is additional cost leh.. there parking is not free le.
M: How can say like that? The company never ask you to drive to work leh... so this kind of thing you have to incur yourself since you want to drive.
J: HUH!?? but now i have to go further and somemore must come back to office to do backup! is additional cost to me loh.
M: Is like that one mah.. lets say i attach you to a company. You can take bus or train to the work place mah.. it works the same for everywhere.
J: Yeah.. but in my job scope.. I am not REQUIRED to do outsource job leh.. in the employment letter never say i must travel to do outsource job loh!
M: aiyah.. cannot like that say.. job scope can change one mah...
J: (showing the attitude face) Duh.... like that okie loh.. i take bus there.. ask them to knock me off earlier i take bus to office to do backup!
M: Yeah. i will ask them to knock you off at 5pm then you can come back to office to backup.
J: watever la!
M: I call them first see how first then let you know.
J: (walked out of the room!!)

Kaoz... today don't expect me to even look at him or even answer him anything if he talk to me. He don't even deserved any respect. Just want slap him and also show him the middle finger!!! Kaoz... Idiot man.. I tell my colleague, she also think that it is unreasonable loh and ask me to complain to boss if he insist. Yeah lar.. i will definitely defend myself.. all these 3 years i have been keeping quiet.. company thought i easier bully!!! Kaoz! Wait and see!! The most i quit lar! Without this bloody job i can still go out find other job! The most i work harder... travel further by taking bus but i will be more happy!!!! no need to see those bloody idiot face.

This spoils my mood for today!!! F**king hell..