What about me?
  • Name : Joanna Ong
  • Age : 24
  • Country : Singapore
Me ar..i am quite antisocial, but heng ar.. I have a lots of friends! i think majority lame friends... I love my dog Lucky, Love my bf Roger, Love my family, Love my friends.. erm..too many to mention who... Love everyone that loves me! hahaha!
Monday, August 22, 2005
monday.. but not that blue!!
hehee. afternoon everyone...
another week has passed... and it is monday again! hehehe. Today i am not having the blues!! unusual man!! hehehhe. i think must buy toto liao. hahhaa.

Now i am stuck in the meeting... come in also dunno do what... my manager push me this kind of shitty stuff to me... just sit down and listen to one square headed guy complain and complain. hehehee. but never mind.. they talk.. me blog n msn.. hahaha! i think i really don't give a damn about everything man... jialat..

Exams are coming soon and i haven't start reading my notes.... assignments also not done.. one word for me is... D. I. E. hahhaha. now me still in slacking mood.. hahhaa. someone please help to push me!! hahaha. anyone want to accompany me to study??? hahhaa. maybe read for me.. and digest it for me too? hahhaa. My assignments also.. any takers? hahhaa. really hope that everything can finish soon and i can relax and maybe go diving!!! hahahaha.

I must tell myself... to be hardworking...... JOANNA!! JIA YOU!! hahaha!!