What about me?
  • Name : Joanna Ong
  • Age : 24
  • Country : Singapore
Me ar..i am quite antisocial, but heng ar.. I have a lots of friends! i think majority lame friends... I love my dog Lucky, Love my bf Roger, Love my family, Love my friends.. erm..too many to mention who... Love everyone that loves me! hahaha!
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
full of "moodless"
Hey guys and gals...
it has been a long time since i update my blog..
Life has been quite sucky for me lately. dunno why also..
Just having the Sianz..... mood.. anything i do... i also no mood...
no mood to do work.... (i think pple will think it is as usual, heehee)
no mood to study....(this one i think pple also think that it is usual)
no mood to smile...
no mood to tok to lucky...
no mood to tok to ryan...
no mood to see movies....
no mood to go shopping...
no mood to do my assignments....
no mood to think....
no mood to tok cok....
no mood to drive....
no mood to eat...
no mood to breathe...
i really want to concentrate and study... but i can't... my exams coming soon..
someone just help me... feeling so helpless....
my mind is in a mess....
someone just kill me.................................