What about me?
  • Name : Joanna Ong
  • Age : 24
  • Country : Singapore
Me ar..i am quite antisocial, but heng ar.. I have a lots of friends! i think majority lame friends... I love my dog Lucky, Love my bf Roger, Love my family, Love my friends.. erm..too many to mention who... Love everyone that loves me! hahaha!
Thursday, July 21, 2005
it's me again
Today... i am feeling GREAT!! hahaha dunno why.. have this happy mood!! hahhaha. Maybe becos i am going bangkok tomo for.... SHOPPING!!.. going to be like a shopping spree.. hahhaa!! i already plan what to buy... Bikini, cap, bag, tshirt, shorts, .. a lot alot more... hopefully i bring enough $$.. or else... must ask from parents liao... must give them the "ke lian" face. hahhaha! or else... must learn from yihan.. shake them!! see whether got money drop down a not. HAHA!

Yesterday we have a divers gathering dinner. We have the fat "head", Thomas koh, beautiful Nicole, Medic Yihan, Kind hearted William, Macho Roger, Attitude Willie, Blur Sok Hong and me.., Pink JO!! hahaa, tshirt pink, bag pink, shoes pink! hahaha.. we went dinner around 8 plus.. hungry until i gastric.. then when we reach bugis, i got no appetite to eat already. i think i ate a few strands of mee only... and a few rice... i think can count one. hahaha. Really love this kind of gathering.. everyone.. sit down talk cok.. tease here tease there.. act lame lame.. hahhaha. diving is real fun man... it really brings me a lot of new friends!! then i won't be lonely... miss lonely... haha!

The day before yesterday, i also met up with my poly mates. quite long time never catch up with them already. everyone is so so busy with work and studies. We have the cheerful Raf, lamer tiff, talented Peiying and of cos... PINKY ME! just remember i wore pink that day too!! Too bad Hazzie wasn't here to share the laughter. hehehe.. never mind.. still got next time!! hehehe. We talk about everything.. studies.. work... and of cos PEANUTS!! hahhaa.. we wanted to use peanuts to pay for our meal... dun play play hor.. one peanut cost a lot leh... next time.. we should ask for the bill and ask ... how many peanuts? hahhaha lame lame... we are indeed a bunch of lamers... HAHA

Life is quite good for me these days! Feel damn good! dunno why also.. hahaha! Okok... i will update u guys when i am back from bangkok.. remember.. dun miss me hor... i will miss u guys!