What about me?
  • Name : Joanna Ong
  • Age : 24
  • Country : Singapore
Me ar..i am quite antisocial, but heng ar.. I have a lots of friends! i think majority lame friends... I love my dog Lucky, Love my bf Roger, Love my family, Love my friends.. erm..too many to mention who... Love everyone that loves me! hahaha!
Monday, February 04, 2008
Feedback on Samsung T10
Yo guys!

It been ages since i update my blog. Hopefully people still remember me. hehee.

Recently, i have got a Samsung T10 mp3 player and also a bluetooth headset to try it out from Ripploevox. When i first receive it, i was very eager to try it out especially the bluetooth headset. =). Although i was impressed by the outlook of the mp3 player as it look very "common" to me but what's new in this mp3 player is the bluetooth connectivity. I find this feature very useful as it allow me to connect to my headset wireless!! which save the hassle of having wires all taggled up. The headset was the coolest, it allow me to listen to music, connect to handphone to answer calls. The clarity of the sound is also quite good.

The interface of the mp3 player is quite fanciful and also animated which is very suitable for teenagers and also childrens. However i think that it not that appropriate for working adults as they might think it is quite childish. There are pros and cons in every mp3 player i would say. The design of it is slim and trendy, however it look too "common". The interface is a bit childish but the features is quite completed as in there are many features such as the equaliser, theme selections, etc.

The internal memory of the mp3 player is moderate for people who just want to listen to music and maybe short clips of video because 2 gig of memory is insufficient for people who wish to store and view movies. I also think that the screen is too small to view movies but just nice for viewing photos and short clips.

Check out this small wacky clips on the Samsung T10. No more messy and irritating wires.

Friday, May 18, 2007
Back from 2 weeks of diving!
It's a long time since i update my blog. =) paiseh.. didn't have time to update it. Me just came back from Sabah! Have been on leave for 2 weeks.. destress from work.. Just Dive and Dive and Dive. Damn SHiok!

This trip was very fruitful. Went to many places to dive.
Some of the places went:
  • Lankayan
  • Sipadan
  • Kapalai
  • Mabul
  • Mataking
  • Singamata
  • Mantabuan
  • Roach Reef

Saw many things i never see b4. Leopard shark, lots of white tip and black tip sharks, and everywhere is turtles! Took tons of pictures too! i am still in the midst of uploading up the pictures.. Too many already. Click to view it This trip also trained my photography skillz.. especially in taking macro stuffs! Will try to upload the pictures asap.

Take care guys!


Wednesday, January 03, 2007
Happy New Year 2007!!!!
Happy New Year everyone!!!!

A brand new year, a brand new start. Everyone must be thinking of their new resolutions for this year, keeping fit la..(erm.. one of mine also), study hard, earning Big Bucks (big money big money), good health, etc.. By the way, my resolution for last year is to pass my Degree... and I DID IT!!! Finally put this burden and torture to an end. HAHA! I am FREE...!!! Results for this semester was quite okie. I am just happy to pass my psychology module. haha. Now is to wait for my graduation ceremony. mmm... wear square hat.. hehe

Me just came back my 10 days Taiwan trip. Was quite a fruitful trip. Has been longing to go Taiwan for quite some and my dear make it come true. Thanks dear for this fun and enjoyable trip! (we spent quite a lot though) When we depart on 23rd, it was a good start. Guess what, we took a later flight to Taipei but we got a rebate of $300 each and an upgrade to Business Class!! CoolZ!! First time sitting business class, got priority in queueing, got private lounge to eat some snacks and drinks. And in the flight, there were many many dishes from salad all the way to dessert. Eat until stomach bloated. And of cos.. dear.. drink until his heart content... (or should i say.. face red red). The seats are very very spacious and we can lay flat (sleep) on the seat. Hmm.. dunno when can sit first class..(i wonder... honey moon?) HAHAHA.

Very Spacious! with exclusive service man!

We reach around 10plus in Taipei.. the first thing is... COOLING!!! hehehe.. The weather was like air con man. Nice weather. Temperature was around 13 degree to around 16 degree during the whole trip. We follow the tour for 7 days. Went many places, Tai chong, Hua Lian, Jiu Fen, Kao Hsiung, Tai nan, Taipei. Seeing rocks to sea... Eat, drink, shop, sleep.. Saw many nice and grand temples. We also went to the Hot Spring to bao wen quan. Wah.. the temperature of the water was HOT! hahaha. like burning man! cannot tahan.. Quite lame.. it is a must to wear swimming cap! hahaa. Didn't bring camera down, heng never take any pictures of the wen quan. But it is quite a good place to rest and relax, but you can't stay in the water for too long. Limit to 10 minutes.. Rest a while then dip again for 10 mins. We only stay for around 10 mins.. haha cannot tahan liao.. seems to be dehdyrating liao. =)

Tarako National Park.. Great scenery!

Tasty Food. Delicious!! this is called Coffin Plank 棺材板

Father & Son enjoying XXXXL chicken fillet!

Awwww.... Yummy!!!

Everywhere is pearl milk tea! Drink until scared.

One macho man and 2 pretty gals =)

Another great scenery picture!

Spring water!! very cold.. is like ice water..

Erm.. cannot really see la.. but behind is Sun Moon Lake

Taking picture with the national guards.. They are really still man..

I guess everyone should be aware of the Earthquake in Taiwan on 26 Dec 2006. Yes we were hit by it!!!! From the news : "Taiwan's Central Weather Bureau said the first quake measured 6.7 and was centered 22.8 km southwest of the southern Hengchun Peninsula. The second measured 6.4 was more strongly felt in Kaohsiung, Taiwan's second largest city." We were in Kao hsiung checking into the hotel. Suddenly, i felt the floor moving.. and the Xmas trees start to suay left n right. The hotel hanging crystal lights hanging on the ceiling start to shake. Everyone look at each other and we start to panic. Some pple are still standing below the crystal lightings. Our tour guide faster tell everyone to move away from the lightings. After a few seconds.. things start to stop moving.. We thought it is over, hence we faster took a lift up to our room... While unpacking our stuffs.... the glasses on the table start to move and the bed also move.. We were quite stunned... the next thing is put away everything and run down the stairs. Some pple were crying while running down the stairs.. It is quite hard to run down the stairs while moving left and right. Some people were already standing outside the hotel including the hotel staffs. We stood outside the hotel until everything stop moving. We decided not to go back the hotel, instead we went to grab something to eat. We heard from the shop keepers that this earth quake was one of the major earthquake they have. I didn't want to film downt the earthquake.. just feel not very "ji li". (maybe i am a bit superstitious) Wah... Wat an experience. Really glad that we are safe n sound. =) Phone Network Operators were down and hence can't contact my parents until the next day.

However this earth quake didn't dampen or disrupt our trip itinerary. Everything still goes smoothly. Today went to Sun Moon Lake.. Erm.. not very magnificant le.. Heard from my colleague, the last earth quake destroy much of it. Haiz.. too bad. After travelling in the bus till our butt ache, travelling thru and around the mountains. We took a small train call the Wu Feng train to a small farm to feed the cows and horse. Heehee. Fun for the kids. We also pluck strawberries!! a bit small but very very sweet! Yummy!

In the Wu Fen Train.. Ryan with his favorite pose "Cok Eye"

The baby cow is indeed very hungry... They snatch!!

*Grin* Faster take.. wait later he come n lick me..

They really love to pick strawberries.. see how happy they are..

Look at these 2 cute small strawberries.. very sweet one hor.. esp i pick one!

Yummy Strawberry!! Small but Sweet!

The last stop is Taipei which is sort of the most rowdy place. We took the Ferris wheel.. tallest ferris wheel in asia. We can see the whole magicifant view of Taipei. Our small little handsome boy was slightly afraid of heights... hehe. But he manage to conquer it! It is really a great view.. not to be missed. The last destination of the tour is Si Men Ting. Great place for youngsters to go have fun and shop! In Taiwan, an arcade game that is hot is basketball.. Seems to have this game everywhere you go and also those machines to catch soft toys. Heehee. We played much arcade when we were there... mainly becos the two mischievious kids love it so so much. =)

Resting and enjoying the beautiful scenery

Ryan and his funny face again.. trying hard to lick ah bel

Another funny face... =p

Outside Si Men Ting.. Rowdy place.. mostly youngsters

Tall ice cream... be careful.. bel's one seems to be quite unstable..

Icy Cold!!! weather so cold still eat ice cream.. But is on OFFER! 50NT only.. haha

Dear & Me trying very hard to squeeze thru the crowd

The rest of the days were Free & Easy.. we took the metro train the first day (much similar like our MRT) but everyone was so in order.. everyone line up in order in line with the marking on the floor. And in the escalator, everyone stand on the right, to make space for those people to climb faster. Singaporean should learn more like them.. We took the train to Taipei City Hall. Much like our City Hall.. they have the tallest building in the whole world "Taipei 101 building". (previously was the twin towers.. but then now it is gone) We went up to the top of the building, it cost a bit but i think it is worth it. The lift was the fastest lift in the world.. travelling up to 89 storeys in 36 seconds... travelling around 1000+ Km/h. using the Nasa technology. When you look down from the building.. everything below is like so minature...they are like those HDB showroom, they have those small models.. The view is great. But i believe the view is nicer when it is at night. too bad we didn't stay there till evening time.

Inside the train.. not too bad.. quite fast..

Magnificant view from the tallest building in the world.. 101 building

We went a few night markets during these few days.. During the weekend, the night markets and shopping areas are packed man!!!! It is really like ants. HAHA. To cut short.. the worst thing i dun like about these markets is the Stinky beancurd. Wah liao the smell.. i cannot tahan!!!! EEEEEEEE.........

dear.. enjoy the stinky beancurd.. (dun dare to kiss him after that =P)

The last day was New Year eve! We went to 101 building again to view the fireworks. We reach there around 10pm.. and it is already fully packed. We managed to climb to a traffic light platform to view the fireworks. The count down .. the atmosphere was good. Everyone was like Waahhhhh.... Wahhh.... i think the photos tell it all. Nice! Although the count down was good.. the travelling back after it.. was a torture man!!! We walked for more than an hour before we could get a cab.. Halfway from the 101 building to our hotel.. we reached our hotel almost 4am in the morning. Once i reach the hotel room, i drop down on the bed and slept like a pig. =p Next day still got to wake up early to catch our flight back to Singapore.

Didn't manage to upgrade to business class for our flight. hahaha.. Was quite happy to reach back to Singapore. But... once i am out of the airport.... Wah liao.. SO HOT!!!!!!!!! We were complaining about the heat... Really miss the weather in Taiwan.. =)

At Taipei airport

Eh... economy class.. still not too bad la..

Wah... Long story man.. hehe.. hope you guys won't get too bored reading it. I will post up some pictures asap. As for the whole album, i will provide a url to let u guys view.. still in the midst of uploading. =) You guys have a great year ahead!!!!! Miss ya!!!

I have also upload more pictures here.. Happy Viewing

Monday, October 30, 2006
Another weekend has past...
so fast.. another weekend over liao!! why does sat and sun pass so fast.. and monday to friday so so so slow.. must be the blues... sianz. Exams is around the corner.. and i haven't start studying for it. Kaoz.. Dunno what the hell i am doing also. been slacking around too much. The moment.. i open my book to read.. my eyes auto close... "on pilot drive".. hehee.

This weekend.. went to Hantu to dive.. i should say assist dear in teaching open water. sianz man.. Visibility sucks as usual.. nothing to see.. but still okie.. can practise my skills and navigation. =)

Didn't see alicia for quite some time liao.. too bz liao.. hope to see her soon! can't wait to pinch her rosy and chubby cheeks.


Friday, October 20, 2006
Peach garden
Yesterday had a great dinner at Peach garden.. hehe.. not a garden that grow peach hor but a restaurant along thomson road, just opposite novena square. The food there was quite yummy. especially the dessert. The mango with sago and pomelo in young coconut was delicious! hehe.. I ate black glutinous rice with ice cream in young coconut. Not too bad.. but SINFUL! hehe. Alicia enjoy it though! hehe

My favorite! ICE CREAM! Yummy!!

Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Pictures taken during BBQ (moon cake festival)
A great time to spent this festival with my family!!
Huarry!! Swimming time! Smile!

wahahaha!!! water so so cold!!!

What u trying to do? (Stunned face) ni zai pai wo ma?

Hao lo.. ai pai na li jiu pai na li..

Another pose for u to pai la..
Another cutie pose..

faster take.. i am out of breath!!!


See my new hairstyle.. dun play play ar..

Heehee.. dun splash water on my face le..

I know i look cute my new hairstyle..

Hungry liao la.. eat my fist first..

BBQ Time! Twist!!

Yummy food! one small table for so many of us..

wah.. everyone like so bz lo.

everyone starting to feel full le.. slow down the eating pace le..

Moon cake festival cannot lack of firecrackers! (erm.. replace by sparkles) So loud!!

Youngest Daddy?

Youngest mum?

Happy Family! =)